Shipping container disinfectant

Protect your cargo.

The threat of microbial contamination and the ensuing risk of cargo damage and loss have spurred the rise of innovative solutions. Virus Shield Disinfectant has developed a slow release gas generator that can shield valuable cargo against the invisible perils that lurk within the confines of shipping containers and minimise produce and product damage.

Shipping cargo faces a myriad of challenges due to logistics issues and loading and unloading being delayed. Cargo in transit is vulnerable to temperature fluctuations, humidity, condensation, and exposure to the elements, which can create ideal conditions for the growth of mould, bacteria, and other contaminants. The longer the journey or more complex the logistics, the greater the risk. This spoilage not only results in financial losses for growers and logistics burdens for shippers but can also impact the quality and saleability of the goods being transported. It underscores the critical importance of effective protective measures, including disinfection protocols, to preserve the integrity of cargo throughout its journey.

Penetrates biofilm structures.

Our disinfectant is a powerful and versatile solution that goes above and beyond in its mission to protect against harmful microorganisms. One of its remarkable attributes is its ability to effectively destroy the biofilm. Biofilms are resilient communities of bacteria and other microorganisms that often form protective layers on surfaces.

Our disinfectant’s specialized formulation penetrates these biofilm structures, breaking down the complex matrix that shields these microorganisms. By eradicating biofilms, our disinfectant ensures a thorough and long-lasting sanitation, leaving no refuge for bacteria to grow or hide. This unique capability stands as a testament to the potency of our disinfectant in safeguarding diverse environments, from healthcare settings to food processing facilities, where biofilm removal is essential for maintaining a safe and hygienic environment. Virus Shield Disinfectant is FDA approved as a non-rinse solution, due to there being no residues.


Contact Us

Ready to experience safe and effective shipping with Biosciences Direct? Reach out to us today for all your disinfectant needs.